Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Cook Out this Weekend

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Saturday, May 23 is my husband's birthday. He thinks we are having a little cookout for us and our two kids. Oh, little does he know there will be about 10 to 15 MORE showing up! I am going to make a special budget for this cook-out. I am putting aside $40 for this special event. I have been saving some cash here and there that he doesn't know about so I have some to do that with! I am going to tell you what we will be cooking and how I am going to buy food for everyone for $40. That might seem like a lot but that is just what I decided to do. That breaks down to $2 a person if 20 show up. Think I can do it? I sure hope you do!! This will be my first real test like this so we will take this journey together!! One thing you need to know is Hubs is on the Atkins diet so some of the sweets will be only for him. Here's a list of the items we will be making and serving:
  1. Cheeseburgers
  2. Hot Dogs
  3. Baked Beans (from scratch)
  4. Atkins Brownies
  5. Cupcakes
  6. Chips
  7. Pop
**I didn't have time to do made from scratch baked beans.**
You still think I can do it for under $40? I DO!!!

Penny Princess
Helping you save money, one penny at a time.


It's me again Margaret said...

Absolutely!! "You can do it!" I've done things similar in the past and the challenge in doing it adds to the excitement and when everyone is going on and on about how good everything is you'll feel awesome b/c when figured per person you know you spent NOTHING! lol.

Have fun this weekend

Alicia said...

I can't wait! I'm getting my shopping list and coupons together NOW!! Stay tuned for my list! I'm going to share in a post in jsut a little bit!!